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Global Music Agency

Sharif Mohammad
Global Music Agency

Global Music

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Lilongwe based budding Rock band, Mafilika has done Malawi proud after outclassing other 40 groups from across the globe to win this year's Fair Play Anti Corruption Youth Voices. Play is music video contest for young bands worldwide on the subject of corruption, courtesy of Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI) with financial support from World Bank Institute.

For winning the competition, Mafilika will participate in the Global Youth Forum organized by the World Bank Institute and its partners in May 26-28 in Brussels, Belgium. Under the theme of good governance and anti-corruption, the summit will bring together over 50 young leaders from around the world. According to Jeunesses Musicales International Coordinator Kate Declerk, Mafilika emerged the best following the strength in the message of its song entitled "Lets stop corruption." "The song delivered powerful messages, speaking to corruption in all its forms and its devastating impacts on individuals, families, and communities, and nations. At the same time, it also carried messages of hope, calling on youth to engage in the global fight against corruption, towards a better future," she said.

Mafilika, which is a product of Music Crossroads Malawi featured Amos Mlolowah (21), Ernest Ikwanga (25), Jimmy Andy Lingani (26), Paul Chabinga (28), and Samuel Mkandawire (24)."We are more than over the moon with this feat we have achieved and promise to continue doing Malawi proud," said Mafilika's band leader Mkandawire. Music Crossroads national cordinar Mathews Mfune said he was not surprised that the group had done it again for Malawi. "Remember Mafilika was the same group, which was chosen to represent the country in Holland last year for a period of two months for its success in Music crossroads. They did well in Holland and they will back next year."So, let's join hands in congratulating this group which is brilliantly and successfully carrying our flag and representing us well in international events," he said.

The second position went to Katya Emmanuel of Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo featuring Agakan (23), Fonko Dji (16), Katya Vinywasiki Emmanuel (26), and Ndungi Githuku (32) with their video entry how long.Palestinian hip hop group '1-voice Invincible' of Beirut, Lebanon which featured Yasin Qasem (21) and Mohammad il Turek (20) came third with their video entry Iam defending. Fair Play - Anti-Corruption Youth Voices has nine (9) music ambassadors from Bangladesh, Burundi, Cameroon, Colombia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Philippines, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe and was initiated by the Global Youth Anti-Corruption Network, a worldwide network of civil society organizations engaged in the fight against corruption.

Malawi voice a news website publishing true and profesional daily news from malawi on politics, buissines, sports, entertainment and culture. We offer top quality reporting and our reporters a professionals and qualified. We represent true reporting and bring intrernet reporting in malawi to another level. We report unbaised stories from all corners of the country for all malawians and those intrested in malawian news.

Article Source: - https://www.global-music.com

Sharif Mohammad
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