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List of the most iconic Telugu movies in 2019?

amit trank

The charisma that the actors show, the comedy, the action- everything binds the audience to the seat until the end.

The Tollywood industry has produced some epic dramas and films that have done very well in the box offices.

The movie was released on 21st June 2019, it is an Indian-Telugu language-comedy thriller directed and produced by: Swaroop RSJ and Rahul Yadav Nakka respectively.

The star cast includes- Naveen Polishetty, Shruti Sharma, and Darbha Appaji Ambarisha.

It plots the story of the owner of a private detective agency which never gets a case, but somehow when it gets the job the detective faces many challenges and this makes it a great watch.

The star cast includes- Priyadarshi Pulikonda and Ananya Nagalla.

amit trank
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