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What is sisal carpet? How to install Sisal Carpets?

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What is sisal carpet? How to install Sisal Carpets?

Sisal carpet is a natural carpet fiber extracted from Agave plant’s long spiny leaves (species Agave sisalana). Sisal is a highly durable carpet often used in heavy traffic areas and higher end homes.  It can be used as a wall to wall carpet, an area rug or runner.  Often, sisal area rugs and runners are bound with a canvas border (about an inch wide) for a more tailored finish.  In Dubai UAE, sisal has been rapidly growing in popularity.

Sisal is also used for rope, twine, cloth, paper, handicrafts and wall coverings.

Benefits of sisal carpeting

  • Natural fiber and eco-friendly
  • Naturally stain resistant
  • Does not build up static electricity
  • Won’t compress or show wear patterns like a typical wall to wall carpet
  • Absorbs sound well – the molecular structure of sisal is dense and absorbs sound better than other types of carpets
  • Sisal doesn’t trap dust or allergens
  • Heavy duty, durable and good for heavy traffic areas
  • Neutral colored, so sisal carpet goes with most furniture, decors, and paint colors. Tends to appeal to those with more sophisticated tastes and styles.

How do you install sisal carpeting?

Ideal to drop off for acclimation before installing

It’s best to use a thin felt carpet pad, double sided taped carpet pad or glue down sisal directly to floor.   This helps hold the sisal secure in place and eliminates issues with the padding bunching underneath.

Avoid cross seams as they will show very visibly

Best to have installed by a professional carpet installer – sisal is tricky

Carpet Dubai is Professional sisal carpeting company in Dubai.

Visit: www.carpetdubai.ae



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