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International Preschool in Chennai

karthick Hari
International Preschool in Chennai

Toddlers Cocoon School believes in teaching children to love learning. We take pride in saying that we are not just a school, but a place where children are nurtured to be life-long learners and global citizens. Toddlers Cocoon School employs interactive teaching methods, tailor-made tools, and equipment to ensure that our little wards are ready for school.

In addition to providing children with an enriching environment, we function in a professionally managed structure with exposure in schooling, and a strong lineage in Education. Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which will support individual needs and allow children to achieve their full potential.

Our innovative teaching methods helps to develop children’s skills through Interactive-based learning with active involvement of parents. At our best schools in Chennai, we consider the environment to be the third teacher and we create a richly resourced stimulating environment to help foster children’s natural inquisitiveness and thirst for knowledge.

karthick Hari
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