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Best Immigration Consultant For Canada PR

shilpa N
Best Immigration Consultant For Canada PR

This New Canada Immigration news about Quebec PNP made it clear that this month has been full of joy for all Canada immigration aspirants. The first round of invitations has announced by the ministry of Quebec Immigration to apply to the Quebec Skilled Worker program issued through the latest Arima entrance will happen soon. Which means Quebec has held two draws and invited 950 candidates to apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate. New data includes the number of applicants drawn as well as the type of profiles chosen.

Some of the Highlights of New Canada Immigration news for the Province of Quebec in recent months has been mentioned below:-

On July 17 The most recent draw which took place and issued 259 ITA to applicants with an Expression of Interest profile and a correct job proposal, as well as foreign nationals who had to carry out works in Quebec working as administrators, or representatives of an intergovernmental association such as the UN.

On July 4 the first draw, which took place, produced 691 invitations and was addressed to applicants who had

their application for a Quebec Selection Certificate terminated on June 16, 2019, and when they had applied was a temporary resident of Quebec.
their application for a Quebec Selection Certificate terminated on June 16, 2019, and at that time we’re working or studying in Quebec ;
before Dec. 17, 2019, an Arrima profile and recorded an EOI with the Ministère.
Reformations to Quebec’s immigration laws which were transferred on June 16, 2019, resulted in the cancellation of about 16,000 pending applications to the Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP). These type of canada immigration news are Coming Very Often and Creating More opportunities for the aspirants

The canceled applications had all been registered before Arima was launched in September 2018.

The Applicants who wish to migrate to Quebec following the Regular Skilled Worker Program must first present an Expression of Interest by Arima. The Ministère then reviews the bank of EOI and issues invitations to applicants who meet particular guidelines based on the labor market demands of the province.

The MIDI announced that there will be various invitation cycles between now and January 16, 2020.

David Cohen, a senior partner with the Campbell, Cohen Canadian immigration law firm in Montreal said that “This is great news for skilled workers who want to settle in Quebec “.

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shilpa N
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