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Neurologist in Chennai

neurolife hospital
Neurologist in Chennai

Neurologist in Chennai


 Neuro Life Hospital is the Best Neurology Hospital in Chennai. “Rational Treatment and Reasonable Charges” is our principle.

Neuro Life hospital is a specialty hospital for neuro patients. It is the only hospital where you can consult the same Neurologist in Chennai for 12 hours in a day and emergency care 24 hours a day. Every complaint of the patient will be heard and adequate time will be spent on the examination of each patient. Every patient will be given the utmost importance and care in this hospital from entering to exit. We have the policy of “QRS – Quick Response with Smile” to any patient at any time.

After consulting with the neurologist, Neuro investigations like EEG, EMG, NCS, and PSG, etc can be done immediately in the Neuro lab, adjacent to the doctor room. The report will be given in 30 minutes and can review with the doctor on the same day. Other investigations like blood tests, urine tests, ECGs can be done. Full-time pharmacy is available on the ground floor.


neurolife hospital
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