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Designing Trends in Bangalore

Pencil Interiors
Designing Trends in Bangalore
In the bustling life of a Metropolitan city, people are often more focused on their career. One such city is Bangalore, a place of destination for most of the techies who come to make their future in the IT Industry. They adapt to the fast city culture making it as their near home. The best job opportunities here in Bangalore attract the people to settle in for a beautiful house.
This is the time where Interior Designers in Bangalore fly into action to cater for the homeowners while buying their first home. The taste and selection of present generation is quite different than those in the past. One of the positive things in Bangalore is its climate that gives an opportunity for the Interior Designers to go for several combinations of textures, colours and Designs.


Employees are most likely to travel places and sometimes abroad. When they come back they always like to be greeted with warm colors, as they tend to spread magic on the walls. At present Bangalore Interior Designing trends are creating waves with European colour palettes especially with grey and white colours and going for minimal interiors. The latest designs we choose for clients is textured paints for highlighting their walls with a metallic glint. As minimal interior is in fashion now we often tend to experiment with light hangings made of copper or metal with rustic designs.
People in Bangalore come from different places and each one needs a touch of their hometown in their kitchen rooms. We try to bend the old typical kitchen designs into modular kitchens. As the saying goes “Old is Gold” people want to stick with pale colors for their kitchen cabinets. Interior Designers in Bangalore are trying to break this myth by using duo combination for the cabinets, where the top and bottom will be of two different colors. Kitchen area and shape play the major role in designing the cabinets in unique way for the people to reach out to their items easily. Choosing the tiles is another important thing when coming to kitchen room designing. Moroccan tiles are trending now for their vivid and intricate patterns to highlight the kitchen areas. Counter tops are the next thing that people look out for. Granite tops are quite popular among the people but most of them are going for Kalinga stone or Quartz.
Contemporary designs are in fashion now for living rooms with a touch of ethnic style. Using Vintage collections instead of paintings and pictures along with sun kissed curtains make the room even brighter.
Living in one of the best IT places in the country, Bangalore has created an impact on today’s generation. People try to spend much money buying an apartment as an asset. Going for a 3BHK flat with a master bedroom, kids room and guest room is what they like. Guest room is something that is not occupied mostly which can be turned into a chill zone for playing games, watching movies, reading and for painting.
Many people try to catch up their morning coffee at their bay window, looking out at the skies of the city. Interior designers have come up with a bay sitting area where in it creates more space under the sitting area and also allows you to work on your laptop or read a newspaper enjoying your morning cuppa.
To catch up with the best and flowing trends Pencil Interiors in Bangalore are always try to guide their clients and make their dream home possible.
Pencil Interiors
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