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Cargolux renews Cargo iQ certification for three more years

Logistics Update Africa
Cargolux renews Cargo iQ certification for three more years

December 04, 2019: Cargolux Airlines has renewed its Cargo iQ certification for the next three years.

The Cargo iQ audit ensures that the company complies with Cargo iQ standards and contributes to the seamless transportation of air cargo in the supply chain.

Cargo iQ is an IATA-interest group comprising airlines and forwarders that aims at improving the work processes throughout the transport journey from shipper to consignee.

The objective is to implement processes, backed by quality standards that are measurable and supported by data.

As a founding member of the initiative, Cargolux takes the issue of seamless shipment transit very seriously and strive to enhance transparency and cooperation within the process.

Franco Nanna, director global logistics services explained, “Cargolux has been committed to the Cargo iQ project since the very beginning and has been actively involved in the development and implementation of improved business processes.

Logistics Update Africa
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