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What are the services includes in General Services?

Waterton Glacier Suites
What are the services includes in General Services?

Every effort is made to provide the best customer services to our guests to make their visit unique, refreshing and unforgettable with us. And, when it comes to food and dining, there is no better place than the Lakeside Chophouse Restaurant, Fireside Lounge and Wine Bar, Thirsty Bear Saloon and the Starbucks just a block away at our sister hotel – The Bayshore Inn Resort & Spa.

We are one of the best Waterton hotels offering a range of services including comfy accommodation, fine dining, and a group of other activities to make your stay a memorable event. While our guests explore the beauty of Waterton Lakes and enjoy the breathtaking mountain scenery, we make sure to impress them with our ideal customer service.



Waterton Glacier Suites
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