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What is a Dab Pen?

drgood dabs
What is a Dab Pen?

A dab pen has no relation to the dab dance move, but we can still recommend it as an effective method for dealing with haters.

Many people are familiar with portable vapes and vape pens, but they may be unaware of the vape pens cooler cousin, the dab pen.

Dab pens are portable devices for vaporizing dabs – a form of cannabis concentrate.

Now, that we’ve answered “what is a dab pen,” you’re probably curious as to how it works.

The methods vary depending on the brand, but we’ll use Dr.Good Dabs dab pens as the standard.

Not only does that make a dab pen a healthier choice, it means you don’t get any odd flavours added in; just pure cannabis.

drgood dabs
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