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Embrace cyber security managed services to stay on top of security

Ariento Com
Embrace cyber security managed services to stay on top of security

Today in the tech-smart and highly developed markets you as a business owner, operating online must ensure that things are under control all the time. This will save you from dangerous outcomes in the form of heavy penalties and consequential losses that usually take place in the form of data loss, compromise of business and its sensitive information. Cyber diligence is one way to keep up with the gains without losses that result in issues like stoppages and delays, hence, make it extremely hard for the business to cope with the market competitions and client expectations.

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment has announced the development of a new cyber security framework that all Department of Defense contractors will be required to comply with and be certified by a third party independent assessor (3PAO). The standard is tentatively scheduled to go into effect in June of 2020.

Ariento can help in one of three ways through Assessment/Attestation, Implementation and thirdly by offering Turnkey Managed Solution. Ariento becomes your CMMC compliant outsourced IT shop, making you compliant now and in the future as regulations change. Their solution is truly turnkey and is backed by their compliance guarantee.

Currently as the technology is in its prime form it is essential to keep things in control as they will continue to improve because this is an on-going process. Hackers and attackers know this better than anyone else; therefore, they are always keen to stay on top. You can outsmart them by ensuring a regular backup in the form of cyber security managed services plus working in close collaboration with the experts that are hired by you.

In the present day scenario organizations are highly dependent on Information systems to manage business and deliver products/services. They depend on IT for development, production and delivery in innumerable internal applications. The application comprises of various important practices such as financial databases, employee time booking, providing helpdesk and other services, providing remote access to customers/ employees, remote access of client systems, interactions with the outside world through e-mail, internet, usage of third parties and outsourced suppliers. Security forms an integral part of contract between client and customer.

Ariento can help by providing consulting which are conducted 2- 4 week assessment evaluation of your business according to the NIST framework. You get a report card identifying each required NIST control with a determination of compliance for each control. Ariento offers Managed Services as they become your NIST compliant outsourced IT shop, making you compliant now and in the future as regulations change.

Ariento Com
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