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A Survey Most students Prefer Online Education & Offline Coaching

Laxmikanta Parida
A Survey Most students Prefer Online Education & Offline Coaching

90% Of Student Like Online Education Over The Offline Model For Higher Learning

A survey conducted by Grade up indicated that the access to skilled school & live categories are driving students to E-Learning

Technology has created in-roads all told walks of life and brought over.

Sitting in categories, looking forward to the teacher, taking note of the lecture and creating notes to recollect has become unfashionable currently.

They believe inconvenience and that’s what the net medium provides them with.

A preparative platform for competitive exams conducted a groundwork on the advantages and scope of live Online Education learning by the course of three months through email, online surveys, telecom, and private interactions, with over 10,000 students making ready for competitive exams and also the results are astonishing.

Laxmikanta Parida
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