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Course In Electrical Engineering: Machine Learning For Everybody

Manoj Pradhan
Course In Electrical Engineering: Machine Learning For Everybody

Berpan antecedently worked in quality management, wherever she discovered however monetary firms more and more specialize in Machine Learning and connected technologies.

“I wished to come back to grad school to dive into rising technology and obtain exposure to all or any of it,” says Berpan, World Health Organization has conjointly taken courses on blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Berpan plans to use what she has learned concerning knowledge and algorithms to figure with style engineers in her post-graduation job in project management.

What square measures a number of the ways in which engineers and knowledge scientists will leverage a knowledge set?

it had been created as Associate in Nursing experimental various to six.036 -Introduction to Machine Learning, a course that professors provincial capital Barzilay and Tommi Jaakkola developed and ab initio instructed, and that has become one in every of the foremost widespread on the field since its presentation in 2013.

Having received feedback that half dozen.036 was too specialized for a few Non-Electrical Engineering and Engineering science majors, Barzilay and Jaakkola designed half dozen.883/6.S083 to specialize in totally different use of machine learning.

Manoj Pradhan
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