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Different types of Anti vibrations mounts and their uses

Horiaki India
Different types of Anti vibrations mounts and their uses

The qualitative Anti vibration mounts provide excellent shock absorption and vibration dampening properties. And, pieces of equipment and machinery subjected to noise, shocks, and vibrations can be extremely damaged, affecting their lifespan, efficiency, and safety. Also, this can often lead to more frequent repairs and replacements, increasing costs for the company or individual. Plus, with this in mind, it’s not surprising that anti-vibration mounts are so widely used; and their presence can be found in industries ranging from the defense sector to renewable energy and power generation.

Moreover, as regulations become stricter, the demand for high quality, durable and effective anti vibration mounts is continuing to rise.

Different types of Anti-Vibration Mounts and their Use in Industry

Well, by utilizing the correct type of mount, you can increase the lifespan of machinery whilst reducing the adverse effects of vibration, noise, and shock. Horiaki India pvt.lmt design, manufacture and supply a wide variety of specialized mounts, plus offering both stock and custom solutions for a multitude of industrial applications:

  1. Vibration Isolators Isolation Mounts

Firstly, our selection of Isolators fulfill two main uses- they can either reduce any noise transmitted outwards from the machine (active) or reduce the number of vibrations that are traveling to the machine from an external source such as its foundations (passive).

And, vibration Isolators can be found in many areas, such as in machinery for the food and pharmaceutical industries. For instance, heating and ventilation equipment, fans and power generators.

  1. Rubber Mounts Rubber Mounts

Next, unlike Vibration Isolators, Rubber Mountings can provide vibration and shock protection in three separate directions. Also, they provide high levels of resistance to grease and oil making them a popular choice in both the automotive and marine industries. And, Rubber mounts can often be found in both engines and generators.

  1. Wire Rope Mounts Example of our Anti-Vibration Mountings

Further, Corrosion-resistant and completely manufactured from stainless steel, our specialist selection of Wire Rope Mounts are designed to withstand the toughest environments. And, they isolate shock and vibrations from all directions and offer a maintenance-free solution to the most demanding tasks.


Horiaki India pvt.lmt has a dedicated team of professionals who would be more than happy to answer any of your questions. And, for more information regarding any of our specialist Anti Vibration Mountings or to enquire about our bespoke service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch today.

Horiaki India
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