Amazon Echo Dot is an amazing device with digital and AI Assistant.
After purchasing the device, you need to complete the Alexa Dot Setup to use it.
For this follow the given steps:• Plugin your device to work socket including the AC adapter and USB cable.• Turn on your device.
For this press and hold the action button for a few seconds.• Once the light turns orange, pair the Echo dot to wifi by following the on-screen instructions.• To connect the Echo dot speakers, you can directly plug them with Bluetooth or auxiliary cable.
For Bluetooth pairing, go to Settings>> Bluetooth and choose pair a new device in your Alexa app.
From the list of Bluetooth device, select your speaker and then tap to continue.• Now, Alexa can follow your commands.To reset Echo Dot, you can follow the given process:• Find out the reset button present at the bottom base of your Echo device.• Press the button by using a pin or paper clip and hold it for 5 seconds.• When the ring turns orange, your device is ready to set up.These are the steps through which you can complete Alexa dot setup.