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Growing at an annualized rate of over 20%, the cell therapy manufacturing market is estimated to reach close to USD 10 Billion by 2030, claims Roots Analysis

Crescendo Global
Growing at an annualized rate of over 20%, the cell therapy manufacturing market is estimated to reach close to USD 10 Billion by 2030, claims Roots Analysis

The approval of KYMRIAH®, YESCARTA®, Alofisel® and Zyntelgo® has increased the interest of pharma stakeholders in cell therapies; further, owing to the technical challenges in this field, outsourcing manufacturing operations has become a necessity

Roots Analysis has announced the addition of “Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2019 - 2030” report to its list of offerings.

It is worth highlighting that more than 35 organizations claim to have necessary capabilities for the manufacturing of both types of therapies.

Europe is currently considered a current hub for cell therapy production

More than 220 manufacturing facilities have been established by various players, worldwide; of these, 35% are in Europe, followed by those based in North America.

Other emerging regions include Australia, China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Israel.

Crescendo Global
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