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DPR Prepared To Connect Old and New Gurgaon By 2020

Orion Realtors
DPR Prepared To Connect Old and New Gurgaon By 2020

A revised plan, which now awaits approval from the Centre proposes a composite network without any interchange for Rapid Metro and the Gurgaon section of Delhi Metro.

Earlier this year, the Haryana government had the School of Planning and Architecture had submitted its report, on the basis of which a fresh detailed project report (DPR) was prepared, for metro extension in September.

But the exit of Rapid Metro Rail Gurgaon Limited (RMGL) meant the plan had to be revised.

Earlier this month the new plan was prepared, approved by the board of directors of the Haryana Mass Rapid Transport Corporation and the state government, and now awaits approval from the Centre.

The previous DPR had proposed six interchange points in the 25 new metro stations.

The plan has been sent to the government for approval,” a senior Gurgaon Municipal Development Authority (GMDA) official said, adding, “It is too early to commit to a deadline, but work on the project is expected to begin soon.”

Orion Realtors
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