If you too are worried about the habitation of ants at your place then this article will guide you with the best home remedies that can greatly help you in getting rid of these bothering ants.
Yes, ants are not at all curious and keen to bathe in baby powder.
This is because they don’t like the soft touch of the powder and the moment they see it, they don’t cross that line.
The powder is sure to discourage them to enter your house.
If you don’t have baby powder then you can also use normal talc and can even approach professional pest control services in Noida.
You could also use cinnamon essential oil, as it is also used to get rid of the ants in the houses.

If yes then this article is going to help you.
It discusses some of the best home remedies that you can use to shoo away the rats from your house.
You can go through these tips and tricks mentioned as under.
It’s an interesting fact to know that the rats abhor pungent smells especially if that is of pepper flakes.
Garlics and onions are two things that rats despise.
However, you have to be little careful as onions can rot after 48 hours, which means that you will have to replace them after that.