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Social Media Marketing Tactics to Drive More Traffics to your Online Business

James Keith
Social Media Marketing Tactics to Drive More Traffics to your Online Business

If you run an eCommerce business, you’re probably well aware of the increasingly important role social media plays in the evolution of online shopping. With 93 percent of consumers turning to social media to help make buying decisions—and 90 percent of them saying they trust product recommendations from their peers—avoiding social media simply isn’t an option if you want to compete online.

Start With the Basics

The eCommerce universe is driven by website traffic, but attracting consumers to your site through social media is easier said than done. Achieving sustained success requires more than just tactics; it takes an eCommerce Social Media Marketing strategy that takes into account the following:

Setting goals: You need to set benchmarks for what success will look like before you even think about tackling tactics. Be as specific as possible by setting measurable objectives that include the:

  • Amount of traffic you want to receive from social media
  • Number of fans and followers
  • The ratio of visitors to conversions
  • Number and type of posts compared to the amount of engagement
  • The ratio of audience growth and engagement to sales
James Keith
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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