As we are preparing to leave behind the 2019 year, where we feel the digital transformation more than enough, we have already started to wonder what the new year we will be prepared to meet will bring. Here are the possible developments in the digital world in 2020…
It would not be wrong to consider 2019 as a year of 'survival' for both large and medium-sized companies, struggling with economic fluctuations. We can easily say that digital marketing channels are the life preserver that survives and those who reach their growth targets despite everything. It is obvious how crazy it is on all digital platforms in the remaining months, special days and campaign periods such as Black Friday. Moreover, it is not finished yet; next is the last opportunity of the year and new year campaigns waiting to surround us. In 2020, these digital campaigns will continue to increase and investments in traditional advertising channels will decrease.
Influences for young people
Influencer marketing trend will be one of the lifeblood of digital marketing in 2020.
According to a study conducted by Google, 70% of active internet users currently prefer to rely on influencers, not traditional television celebrities. When this is the case, especially young people who want to address this trend to develop appropriate strategies, necessarily, seems to continue. In addition, considering the increase in the use of advertising blockers such as ad-blockers in digital media by young people, the importance of advertising without influencing them increases with influencer marketing.
Video content production will increase
Producers of original video content will benefit. According to current data, 87% of marketers view YouTube and 51% view Instagram as a communication channel. However, there are still many companies do not realize the importance of producing video content. We can think of video content just as we often heard in the past years, due this year will be declared as the year of mobile”. In fact, the transformation does not take place completely at one time, gradually we follow what is happening. This process is generally accelerated by 'fitting up' actions.
We can easily say that for 2020, the new year will bring strategic process for everyone to produce video content. Especially when we come to a time when 5G technology is as widespread as 4G, video consumption will reach unpredictable dimensions. YouTube now accounts for 37% of mobile Internet traffic, which helps us see the big picture of the future. In addition, applications such as Tik Tok will take this wind behind and will now be used as more active marketing channels. It is worth noting that Tik Tok has reached more than 500 million users, where the content produced is considered low by brands (and even by us). Even a serious and academic brands like assignment writing service will be able to make use of this platform as a pioneering movement for other brands to step on the platform. It is worth noting that Tik Tok has reached more than 500 million users, where the content produced is considered low by brands (and even by us). Even a serious and cool brand like Mercedes-Benz will be able to make use of this platform as a pioneering movement for other brands to step on the platform.
Voice calls will increase
In 2020, serious developments will take place in this regard. It is estimated that 50% of calls in the new year will be made through digital assistants in our phones. Podcasts, audio books, voice assistants, voice search, digital radios, the more commonly used in the sense of digital media, the hearing will increase the share of the cake. Although the use of devices such as smart speakers is not common in our country, there are more than 66 million users in America. The use of voice command devices will improve our understanding of our language and the use of these devices will certainly increase and will have a serious impact on our buying behavior.
Investments in instant notifications will increase
The concept of learning machine-learning, which is frequently mentioned in the digital marketing world, can no longer be mentioned alone in 2020. On-site marketing automation tools seem to be more involved in our lives. Traditional mass marketing is replaced by 1: 1 marketing, services and services are diversified. At this point, the prominent marketing trend is expected to push notification marketing. So they will try to reach us regularly with instant notifications.
Instagram will rival Google with shopping
The “shopping” feature that Instagram has brought to the fore especially in 2019 will be used more frequently by the brands in our country. So, it's not hard to foresee that Instagram will be the biggest competitor to Google shopping ads and that budgets will be transferred much faster here.
Artificial intelligence becomes personalized
Although strong artificial intelligence and truly smart machines are still far in the future, some "smart" applications such as chat bots and face recognition are already around us, and technologies such as "machine learning" and "deep learning" ( deep learning) are developing at an ever faster rate. What is to come in 2019 is an influx of solutions analyzing how different web applications are used and adapting sites to this information. As a result, we can expect customization of the user experience and the emergence of fully customized sites that look different depending on who uses them. Chat bots - another popular form of artificial intelligence - will also enter our lives even more, and if they are mostly used today by major telecoms and banking support centers,
Link building retains its influence
Search engine optimization (so-called SEO) will continue to be a key tool in digital marketing, and creating quality links (links from other sites pointing to your website) will continue to be a major factor in success with her. "Despite some opinions that link building will die out and that its effect on the search engine algorithm is weaker, we can safely say that in 2019 it will have a strong impact on the positions that a site will have online search engines. In fact, next year building backlinks from quality sources can have an even greater impact, because all the other factors in the algorithm are much easier to manipulate.
Social networks will begin to lose influence
One of the most substantial trends that has already started this year and will continue next year is the outflow of users and trust from some of the largest social networks. Problems with users' personal data as well as their use to spread fake news are likely to have a long impact on this type of platform and many are already predicting a kind of "post-social" future in which the attention of online users is engaged by another type sites. This also gave birth to a new trend: users exporting posts from social networks and making websites from them - something that can be done quickly and easily with automated tools.
Content will continue to be of great importance
Whether it's media information, blogs, or interesting corporate stories - content has always played an important role in the development of the internet and digital marketing. In the future, it will continue to be a key factor in search engine positioning, as they increasingly recognize quality content with technologies such as artificial intelligence, and place increasing weight on sites with high quality content. This means that such sites are ranked higher in search engine results and earn more free traffic - more users visit them.
A new trend in the provision of quality content is the increasing use of so-called "copywriting" services. Consumers order professional high-volume writing for their sites in order for their sites to have more content that catches the customer's attention and / or to be better ranked in search engines.
With the general public becoming aware of the phenomenon of "fake news", the expectation is that the emphasis will be placed increasingly on the quality of the content source - something that will be more noticeable next year. Increasingly, we will also see longer texts that many in recent years have branded as ineffective in the era of fragmented access to information. Quality, well-structured long content will become an increasingly powerful tool for retaining users on your site.
To summarize, if you want your sites to be well-known, you can rely on more and better quality text, more links from quality sites, and quoting your brand name, address, and phone in the texts.