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Why is my dog licking me all the time?

Petros Giorgos
Why is my dog licking me all the time?

You went for a walk with your dog utilizing your new best dog gps tracker, and after you fed him you rested. He approaches you and you begin to caress it. Then you find out he's starting to lick you. You do not particularly like this habit and at the beginning, you do not make a scene, until the situation starts to intensify and you have saliva on your whole face. Why is this happening?

Dogs lick other members of their herd/ensemble and themselves for a variety of reasons. If you want to rein in this habit, you must first identify what is causing them. Here are some key reasons:

1. Nice taste

If your pet licks his food bowl, the floor if you have thrown a bite or the kitchen counter you are cooking, obviously attracts the nice flavors. But that also applies to you. Sometimes, you may have food residue on you that can taste. Besides, they enjoy the salt on your skin.

2. Grooming

You may think that dogs are not particularly interested in their personal hygiene. However, they are often licked to be cleaned, just like cats. However, pay particular attention because excessive rectal cleansing on its part may be an indicative sign that the rectal glands should be cleaned.

3. Treatment

Their saliva contains enzymes that kill bacteria and in this way, they can get rid of dead tissue cells and clean up their wounds. But some cannot stop this habit and with the intense use of saliva, they may cause themselves to open their wounds again or some other damage to their bodies.

4. Forced

Speaking of excessive licking what it means, if you notice that your faithful friend repeatedly licks an object or a specific area or does so whenever it feels fear or nervousness then it becomes necessary to contact a veterinarian. Because while it brings relief from stress, the same convulsing habit increases anxiety and worsens the problem.

5. Contact

Another reason is to talk to each other. From "Hungry," "I'm going to give you up" to "let's hang out." They do so with people simply that people cannot always interpret the message they want to pass. If he does it to you intensely, check to see if he's missing something. Maybe he's thirsty and has no water or wants to get out and the door is closed. He probably needs something and wants to convey to you his need.

6. Affection

Finally, love and caresses are one of the most common reasons that tend to turn into something that people resent when it exceeds the limit. Licking for these reasons frees up endorphins of joy that calm our lovely friends. But usually, they become impatient and annoying.

In order to educate them in stopping this act avoid them at the beginning and if they insist you go to a different place. It will gradually impress them that this makes you distant towards them will take it as a negative and will considerably reduce it.

In any case, our little friends love us and a basic reason for licking us is that they want to express their love and gratitude, let them make this their favorite habit until the point that you give it!

Petros Giorgos
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