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Urolithiasis Management Devices Market To Witness High Growth In Near Future

Geeta Desai
Urolithiasis Management Devices Market To Witness High Growth In Near Future

Urolithiasis is referred to as kidney stone and is a condition that is characterized by presence of a calculi or a solid piece material in the urinary tract of an individual. These solid mass commonly known as kidney stone is typically formed in the renal area that is eliminated from the body through the urine stream.

The stones that are smaller in size may pass off the body without any symptoms, however, lumps larger than 5 millimeters in size can lead to blockage of the ureter that may cause severe pain in the abdominal area and lower back. This may result in symptoms that includes pain during urination, vomiting or blood in the urine. Urolithiasis is caused due to combination of environmental and genetic factors. It can also be caused due various factors such as obesity, hyperparathyroidism, and high urine calcium levels.

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Rising incidence of chronic kidney diseases is one of the major factors responsible for growth of global urolithiasis management devices market. Moreover, growth of the urolithiasis management devices market can also be attributed to rising adoption of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL).

Read More @ https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/urolithiasis-management-devices-market-swot-analysis-cagr-future-insights-growth-by-2026-2019-12-20

Geeta Desai
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