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Neurovascular Devices Market Set To Register Robust Cagr During 2019-2026

Geeta Desai
Neurovascular Devices Market Set To Register Robust Cagr During 2019-2026

Neurovascular devices (such as coils) aid in treatment of various neurovascular disorders such as cerebral aneurysms and intracranial atherosclerotic disease. Rise in geriatric population and upsurge in number of patients suffering from neurovascular disorders are expected to drive the market growth. Moreover, increase in adoption of new minimally invasive techniques such as flow diversion and carotid artery stenting boosts the market growth. However, high cost of the devices and dearth of neurosurgeons are expected to impede the market growth.

As per the estimates of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 795,000 people in the U.S. suffer from stroke every year. In addition, rise in geriatric population poses risk for increase in incidence of neurovascular disorders (such as stroke). For instance, according to The Internet Stroke Center, nearly 75% of strokes occur in people over the age of 65. Moreover, the risk of having a stroke doubles after the age of 55.

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The Report entitled 2019-2026 Global Neurovascular Devices Market Report explores the essential factors of the Neurovascular Devices market considering such as industry situations, market demands, market players adopted business strategies and their growth scenario. The Global Neurovascular Devices market has been separated by this report based on the key players profiles, Type, Application and Regions.

Geeta Desai
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