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Compliance Services to Protect Your Valuable Assets

tevora security
Compliance Services to Protect Your Valuable Assets

Protecting Your Valuable Assets Starts With Tevora

Your intellectual property is one of your most valuable assets. Therefore, as a responsible business owner, you must strive to protect it at all costs. To accommodate the need, Tevora offers various types of compliance services, some of which we’ll briefly introduce today.

PCI DSS Compliance

A vital part of your information security if you’re accepting credit card payments and want to do everything in your power to prevent credit card fraud. Another benefit of this is that it increases the trust of your customers, since they too, will feel much more secure entrusting their personal data to you.

PA DSS Compliance

Are you a software developer who develops payment systems? Then PA DSS compliance should be of interest to you. The main aim of this is to prevent the system to store PIN data or what can be considered as sensitive data. This allows for secure transactions.

P2PE Compliance

This type of compliance reduces fraud at the time when a credit card is scanned or swiped. The systems that are compliant ensure that as soon as the credit card is read, the content is hashed or otherwise encrypted.

HIPAA Compliance

Health organizations of any kind tend to be very aware of the importance of HIPAA compliance. In short, this is to protect the safety of the patients’ data.

ISO 27000 series

Do you know the information control security risks? This family of standards deals with this important question and more. It’s a broad classification that touches upon the areas of privacy, confidentiality, cyber security etc.

CSA Star Compliance

As a cloud service provider, there are certain kinds of standards that apply to your line of business as well. In order to attain the certification, both privacy and security should be covered.

SOC Compliance

SOC compliance roughly falls within 2 different classifications. While SOC1 builds its main focus around your financial reporting, SOC2 examines how well you store customer data.

FISMA Compliance

Another important standard for protecting data and establishing a security standard. Specifically, FIRSMA is focused around protecting government data. FISMA compliance means that your organization is equipped to handle any vulnerabilities as they arise.

FedRAMP Compliance

This US initiative is focused at assessing cloud products and ensuring their compliance. In order to be considered FedRAMP compliant, among the other things, an action plan is necessary.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is a technique to uncover vulnerabilities in a network or a system. Often referred to as ethical hacking, it’s a way to detect weaknesses before a hacker with bad intentions gets an opportunity to exploit them. In order to make sure your network is as safe as it can be, regular penetration testing is necessary.


If you are looking to obtain some of the certificates mentioned above, Tevora will help you reach these goals. The company has an excellent reputation based on having successfully helped several business owners just like you. So what’s still holding you back from obtaining a mark of reassurance that will help you protect your business’ most valuable assets?

tevora security
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