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Coronavirus in China, Spreading Everywhere Now

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Coronavirus in China, Spreading Everywhere Now

Latest Health Updates

The recent health update is the outbreak of a new mysterious pneumonia virus, coronavirus originated from Wuhan, China. It has killed nine people and affected more than 400 others ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday during which hundreds of millions of people are expected to travel.

As of now, with latest news update, on Wednesday (22.01.2020) morning, it has spread beyond Asia, with one confirmed case found in Washington State, U.S.

Officials had reached to the conclusion that the new mystery virus can spread between humans and said even 15 medical staff has now been infected, it is a stoking fear about this virus as it is an international pandemic and without delay airport authorities around the world step up in screening of travellers arriving from China.

Read More: latest health and fitness updates

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