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Smart Tips For An Effective Job Search During The Holidays

Palak Jain
Smart Tips For An Effective Job Search During The Holidays

The holiday season is not just about vacation, getting together, and exchanging gifts. If thought smartly, the holiday season could be a great time to kick start your professional career. There are several stores and organizations that are actively looking for job seekers through job postings on various portals. You can apply to them and be sure to get a jump start. All you need to do is ramp up your efforts in job search and you will be good to go for your job search this season. To help you out, here are some proven smart job search tips for you.

Create A Schedule & Stick To It
The first thing that you need to keep in mind when searching for a job during the holiday season is to keep yourself motivated. Most of us would get into the holiday mood and their job search goes down the drain.To avoid the same, make sure that you have tightened your belts and are all set for your job search.
Creating a schedule for your job search where you can reserve a few hours of your day for your job searching process could be helpful. Have a schedule before the holiday season sets in. And more than that, make sure that you follow the schedule with full dedication. This would help you stay focused on your job search throughout the lazing around and the frequent celebrations or parties in this holiday season.

Make Use Of The Free Time
The best tip you can utilize to speed up your job search during the holiday season is to make use of all the free time that you have. Holidays season is all about the vacation that you get, especially if you are a working professional looking for a job change. Generally, you do not that all that time to look for a job with all the balancing between personal and professional life.
The holiday season could be a great time to leverage the free time you get. You have the time in your hand, all you need is making effective use of the free time. Do not just sit around and laze off during all the weekdays that you have off. Make the most of your holidays and the free time that it brings in to get some more productive results.

Improve Your Brand
The next tip that we can give you out for your holiday job search is to work on your personal branding. Most of the companies now perform an online search of the candidate before giving him/her the job. It is important that you have a positive footprint online. Go through your social media profile and clean out all the unnecessary photos that might affect your image.
You need to build your personal brand and make sure that it lives up to the reputation that the employer or the potential recruiter might have from your profile.

Network At Holiday Parties
There would definitely be no holidays without holiday parties. These could be a great way to reconnect the old connections and network with them. You can either throw a party and invite all your friends or attends the parties you are invited to for networking. The bigger your network, the more you’ll know about the job openings in their companies.
You will also get to know their smart tips in job search and if they could recommend you in their organization. Holiday parties are the greatest of all times to sit down and talk about life and you can definitely discuss your job prospects with your good friends. Moreover, renew your old connections from past organizations, schools, and colleges.

Leverage The Less Application Time
Why choose the holiday season for your job search? There are many advantages to it and one of the biggest advantages you can turn in your direction is the less number of applications most of the employers receive. Not all are actively searching for jobs during the holiday season. So, you can make use of this time and approach the companies with your application.
As there are fewer applications during this time, there are high chances that your application might just get selected and you receive an interview call. You can be sure that there are fewer applications offered to the employers at this point in time and your chances of getting the job are increased.

Apply Before New Year’s Job Seekers
There are a large number of job seekers who wait for the New Year to start applying for jobs or become active with their job search. You can get a jump start over them by starting your job search way before them. Start your job search before them and start applying right in the holiday season.

Palak Jain
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