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How Android App Development Became Kotlin-first?

Way2Smile Solutions - UAE
How Android App Development Became Kotlin-first?

If you have reached here, it means you already have a fair idea about the changes brought about by Google recently to Android app development. Much to the appreciation of the developers’ community, Google announced in at the annual I/O conference that Kotlin is its preferred programming language for Android app development.

Google mentioned in its blog that Android App Development is slated to prioritize Kotlin. The latest Jetpack APIs and new features will come up first in this programming language. The developers were advised by Google to write their codes in future on Kotlin.

Google's announcement of taking up the Kotlin-first approach has met with much appreciation from the developers. Here's taking a look at what brought this shift and what its implications are.

Learn more at How Android App Development Became Kotlin-first?

Way2Smile Solutions - UAE
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