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Spine Hospital Gurgaon

capri spine
Spine Hospital Gurgaon

Spine Hospital Gurgaon

Capri Spine - The Affordable And Trustworthy Spine Hospital In Gurgaon

Spinal issues or pain in the back area of the body are quite common issues these days. There can be several reasons why people face these problems in their lives. It is mostly because of the busy lifestyle that almost everyone today leads. Prolonged sitting in one place, lack of physical exercises and the dearth of essential nutrients in the body can lead to spinal issues as people start aging. When the situation turns unbearable, people look for spine hospital in Gurgaon.

Capri Spine Clinic can be your best partners in dealing with spinal issues. We have the best spine doctors in Gurgaon at our clinic who understand the problems of the patients and then treat them accordingly. Our institute adheres to the international standards of spine treatment and assures the best results to the patients.

Why Is Our Institution The Best Spine Hospital In Gurgaon?

Spinal issues get mostly treated via surgeries and operations in many hospitals in Gurgaon. However, our specialists believe less in operations and rely more on the other effective measures of treating spinal problems. We have renowned doctors at our clinic who suggest exercise regimes to the patients suffering from back problems.

The physicians at our clinic never offer the same set of physical exercises for all the patients. They believe that the problem of every person is unique as compared to the others and thus tailor the physical activities depending on the situation of different patients. Some of the most recommended exercises by our doctors include:

  • Exercises to enhance the flexibility of the body

  • Stretching exercise regimes

  • Core and muscle strengthening programs

  • Aerobic sessions for patients who are at the initial stages of their spinal issues

Our doctors also recommend the patients to undergo pain tolerance tests while they do these exercises. This helps in understanding the problem better and thus results turn out to be more fruitful.

Our Spine Hospital In Gurgaon Stress On The Diet Of The Patients:

Whatever might be the stage of your spinal problem, our physicians always recommend the patients to monitor their diet properly. They suggest people intake foods that are rich in calcium and protein and avoid excessive sugar and carbs in their daily diet.

Sometimes calcium tablets also get suggested by our doctors for certain patients depending on the condition of their spine.

So, if you are looking for spinal treatments without undergoing the pain of surgeries, then our spine doctors in Gurgaon can help you in the best possible manner. Even chronic spinal issues can get effectively treated at our renowned spinal institution in Gurgaon

capri spine
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