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How are Bitcoin are generated and What is mining?

Petros Giorgos
How are Bitcoin are generated and What is mining?

Authored on behalf of the Cryptocurrency blog, SatoshisBrain.

Every transaction made with Bitcoin passes a validity check and is then placed in a block along with other completed transactions. Every block created has a direct connection to the immediate precedent, but with all the other blocks. This creates a blockchain. The relationship between each new block and the previous ones is determined by a mathematical algorithm.

Every time a new block is created, a number of new Bitcoins are automatically created that are provided to those who have solved the algorithm, this process is called mining.

In order to have the ability to solve an algorithm every 10 minutes around the process of solving the purse is modified.

Every computer involved in the process of resolving the purse at the same time also functions as a safety safeguard from any attacks and in the control of transactions.

To find a riddle's solution using a common computer, we will need several months of work.

Those who manage to solve the riddle earn a percentage of how much it doubles every four years.

All right, what we need to stress is that the Bitcoin creation process is predictable and does not depend on the bidding law, but neither does the preferences of states, financial institutions, and organizations.

And that's exactly why Bitcoin can be characterized as the currency that can stand up to economic crisis surges like inflation.



Petros Giorgos
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