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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization, commonly known, as ‘test tube baby‘ is the miracleterm for infertile couples desirous of a child. This technology has enabled millions of hopeless couples to have children of their own, and experience the unmatched joy of parenthood.

Who Needs IVF?

  • Tubal Damage or Block
  • Absent or Low Sperm Count (< 5million /ml)
  • Damaged uterine lining (Endometrium)
  • Poor Ovarian (Egg) capacity/Advanced female age
  • Failure of Fertility treatment for more than 2 to 5 years.

Success Rate Of IVF:

In best cases (good sperm, egg and uterine quality) the success rate may reach up to 50-60%/attempt and 90% in 2-3 attempts. However, where quality is not good success rates are lower.

Process Of IVF :

The IVF process consists of ovarian stimulation, egg collection, fertilization, embryo culture and embryo transfer. Screening processes like normal ultrasound and blood tests are a pre-requisite for proceeding with IVF. If any abnormality like fibroid etc. is detected, it is treated before proceeding with IVF.

  • Ovarian stimulation requires daily injection of hormones (usually for 10-12 days) to the female partner with frequent clinical and ultrasonographic monitoring.
  • Egg retrieval is performed under anesthesia, internally without any incisions or scars.
  • The process involves either mixing the egg with the sperm (IVF) or injecting the sperm into the egg, known as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
  • The egg once fertilized by this process forms the embryo, which is then cultured in the laboratory for 2 – 3 days.
  • The best 2 – 3 embryos are then selected and transferred into the womb (uterus) on the second or the third day.
  • The Blastocyst is transferred on the fifth day, decided from case-to-case basis.
  • The pregnancy test is carried out fourteen days after embryo transfer.

Estimated Time Required And When To Arrive:

  • One IVF cycle takes about l5 days from start of period to embryo transfer. In this case, you need to reach 3-4 days before the period starts.
  • Many patients may not be able to spare so much time. If you collect your medications from us in advance your stay can be reduced to a week to 10 days around the time of embryo transfer. In this case, you can reach on the 7th or 8th day of your period.
  • You can travel back 2-3 days after embryo transfer. We are sure that travelling does not reduce the chance of pregnancy.
  • It takes 15 days from the embryo transfer to obtain the pregnancy test result.

Number Of Visits And Hospitalization:

  • The total number of visits may vary from 4-6 usually.
  • There is no overnight hospitalization and both egg pick up andembryo transfer are day care procedures.
  • Husband needs to come on day of egg pick up or freeze sperms beforehand.
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