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Marine Seats Market Incremental Opportunity Assessment through 2018 to 2028

Steve Blade
Marine Seats Market Incremental Opportunity Assessment through 2018 to 2028

The Fact.MR report tracks the marine seats market for the period 2018-2028. According to the report, the marine seats market is projected to grow at 4.6% CAGR through 2028. Marine seats sales are expected to surpass 5 Bn units in 2019, with a Y-o-Y growth of 4.4% over 2018, according to a recent Fact.MR study. The marine seats market growth continues to remain influenced by various factors, including the remarkable rise in marine tourism, and increased demand for recreational vessels.

The Fact.MR study opines plastic to remain the material of choice for marine seats manufacturers, as they continue to prefer use of plastics over steel and metal composites for production of boat seats, in line with the upward trend of lightweighting in the boating industry. High corrosion resistance and chemical inertness are key attributes of plastic continue to drive its demand for production of various marine components and marine seats are no exception.

Ductile, malleable, and elastic properties of plastics are being leveraged by manufacturers to produce foldable marine seating, which is gradually gaining traction for use in recreational boating activities such as fishing. Plastic marine seating accounted for over 40% of the market volume share in 2018.

Enhanced Comfort and Aesthetics Continue to Remain Developmental Focus Areas of Marine Seats Manufacturers

Comfortable marine seating has been gaining a significant palpability in the recent past, which has prompted marine seats market players to focus on developing novel solutions, keeping consumer convenience at the forefront. Sailors and crew onboard marine vessels have been complaining of developing back problems, and sustaining injuries due to the pounding impact of waves even in shallow waters.

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Leading players in the marine seats market are focusing their efforts toward enhancing the suspension systems of their marine seats, in order to provide a comfortable ride and capitalize on the pervasive trend. For instance, Shockwave, a leading company in developing marine suspension seating, launched the integrated control environment that could house controls, electronics, and occupants and safeguard them from the pounding impact of waves from all directions significantly improving safety and enhancing the ability to operate the vessel during extreme weather.

Steve Blade
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