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Is the Cause of Hair Loss in Women Treatable?

Jessy Meshak
Is the Cause of Hair Loss in Women Treatable?

The reason that this is recommended Hair Revital X Review is because among other things it helps increase the oxygen in the blood and also helps the body to withstand stress as well; in fact it is classed as the woman's vitamin as it helps in so many areas. Other natural things believed to help prevent female hair loss are magnesium, biotin and horsetail.

Hair loss and stress go hand in hand, although not everybody realizes that. However, it may not be just stress that is actually causing the hair loss, there is the possibility you are losing your hair because of genetic factors. So what we can do is a simple test to determine which one it is and then look at possible solutions for the problem.

The test is simply known as the tug test and it is important to do this as it is a good indicator to if your hair is thinning or not. You see we are all losing hair on a daily basis and if it is stress then you will be losing a bit more. So for the test you need to take about twenty or so strands of hair between forefinger and thumb and pull them slowly but firmly. If you find that there are more than six strands come away then likelihood is your hair is thinning.

So if it is less than six and you are feeling stressed then this is probably what is causing excess hair to come out, but what can be done about it. Well one of the first things to do is of course see if you can reduce that level of stress in your life.


Jessy Meshak
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