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UV Gullas Medical College

hari prasad
UV Gullas Medical College

“As a doctor, you do not apply medicine, rather you become the medication yourself.”


If this describes you, we have a tendency to encourage you to appeal to the Gullas college of medicine for education, research, clinical care and cure.


MBBS Study within the Philippines is extremely widespread in India to the actual fact that, the Indian students who  were intense to become doctors started movement here.


The medical degrees granted by UV Gullas Medical college are graded at the highest by UNESCO and WHO and are  globally recognized


MBBS within the Philippines Is MCI (Medical Council of India) recognized additionally, there's no entrance test for admission within the MBBS programs within the philippines medical academy and universities.


Obtaining an associate MBBS degree within the Philippines from a high rated MBBS University within the Philippines with English educated course ensures a decent medical career.


Visit us: http://uvgullascollegeofmedicine.in/


Admission Office:

Banilad, Philippines, 

Mandaue City, Cebu

Contact : 9444666890

hari prasad
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