Stop drinking copious amounts Shapeshifter Yoga Review of caffeinated coffee, which I am highly addicted to. At least, cut way back by drinking only a half-cup at a time, and substituting green tea often. Caffeine really stimulates my appetite. Exercise everyday doing things I like, including racquetball, climbing stairs at work over and over, mountain biking, skiing, walking, and lifting dumbbells.
It's all about habits. It's very difficult changing the way you've done things for decades. And, to do that, and keep doing it, is even harder. But, I did quit drinking alcohol, so if I can do that, I can do this. lose forty pounds. I keep thinking how much better I'll look, feel, and perform on so many levels, not to mention maybe living longer. I've got lots to live for, that's for sure.
Losing weight is simple. eat less and exercise more. The light bulb went off in my brain the other day and I gave myself a dose of manly straight talk. Quit searching for somebody or something else to lose weight for you. They and it don't exist. You gotta do it by yourself and for yourself. So, I'm not making any resolutions, I'm just going to try and gradually change the way I do things.
You want to lose it all right now, immediately. But, starvation and deprivation never work. And, they usually result in you putting on even more weight, as if your body is retaliating against you for depriving it. It's sick, but true.