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tibetan singing bowls

harunrashiod1000 harunrashiod1000
tibetan singing bowls

tibetan bowl

Welcome to Tibetan singing Bowls Shop, Get the best bowl 7 metals in línea at affordable price. We offer the best singing bowl singer, bowl and antique tibetan singing bowl. Contácontact us - +34 665 13 50 20

Addressed to therapists of all áreas, and to all those who feel the need to heal and deepen in your armonía inside así as you raise and expand your consciousness.

Workshop prápractical, dedicated to the participants to know with greater depth the effects, benefits, and characterífeatures of the tibetan singing bowls así as to use them as a tool to healing’n to us and to the demás.

it Is a workshop of initiation’re in that it does not require prior experience, where you learn different tétechniques of the use with the tibetan singing bowls. tibetan singing bowl

we Provide all the tools for the prápractices.


 we will Learn tétechnique of percusi’n, with teoría and prápractice

we will Learn the tétechnique of the shake, with teoría and prápractice

 Small&damages;or for rest.

bathrooms or Sound, with teoría and prápractice haciéit in a couple and / or group.

 Closing of the workshop.


Albert Churches: a sound healer and Therapist transpersonal. Specialized in Tibetan singing Bowls. Works with sound as a healing medium for 5 years both with groups and in individual consultation. tibetan bowl

LENGTH&Rsquo;N OF the WORKSHOP: 4 hours

Cuencostibetanos.info online store specializing in tibetan singing bowls old.

We stock a great selection’n of tibetan singing bowls and Gongs in our store. Instruments chosen few to one in the region’n of the Himalayas due to its properties terapéuticas.

Rafa Monsonis, sound healer, traveling to these places every a&bath;or in search of these sacred instruments. Spends a lot of time to choose, as not all are suitable for therapy. The choice’n of these instruments is based on the sound, the vibration’n and in the energyíto emit. Choosing always the highest quality.

All singing bowls that we have for sale are rich in sounds arm’nicos, they will endure a long time, the sound and the friccionarlos-edge sound fáeasily.

you Can visit us at our headquarters (Valencia) by prior appointment by calling 665 13 50 20 and enjoy our service of selling custom of Tibetan singing Bowls and Gongs of the best quality, to do this please contact us.  tibetan singing bowls

There are many types of singing bowls in our store, we have autéatlantic bowls antique made in the traditional way, we have selected one-to-one by their sound quality and terapéutica. Ideal for sound therapy.In our online store, you couldás to listen to the bowls before you buy and if you are not satisfied we will refund your money.

you Can see all our activities by clicking hereí.

you Can contact us at través área contact or by teléfono: 665 13 50 20

Visit for click: https://www.cuencostibetanos.info/bisuteria-colgantes-nepal/colgante-om-plata-lapis.html


harunrashiod1000 harunrashiod1000
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