Those who've suffered this type Fresh Flora Review of infection don't look forward to relapses but sometimes antibiotics are a necessity. There are some proactive approaches you can follow to help you get through this period of time when your body isn't going to be as equipped to fend off candida as usual.
Follow a candida diet. Remove candida causing agents from your diet and avoid foods that candida thrive on namely sugar, alcohol and yeast. Avoid junk food as well. Take a supplement such as a synbiotic or a daily dose of organic apple cider vinegar which is known to help prevent candida.
Probiotic and prebiotic juices, yogurts and cheeses can be taken to help encourage friendly flora growth in your body. Probiotics contain friendly flora and prebiotics feed them so they can replicate and survive in your body.
If you're currently wondering what types of workouts and exercises can help you beat candida naturally, you're on the right track to better health by taking a holistic approach to fighting yeast infections.