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White Label Binance Clone Script to Start Exchange like Binance

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White Label Binance Clone Script to Start Exchange like Binance

Binance Clone Script

Binance Clone Script is a complete source code that contains all the existing features of the Binance exchange platform.

If you have an idea to start a cryptocurrency exchange website like Binance, you need a Binance clone script to start your own crypto exchange like Binance.

BlockchainAppsDeveloper is a leading cryptocurrency exchange website development company that provides Binance clone script with lots of amazing features to start your crypto exchange platform.


Highlights of our Binance Clone Script

1. Binance exchange supports more than 100 cryptocurrencies.
2. Binance exchange platform offers multiple Trading options like Market order, Limit order, Stop order.
3. ICO Launchpad – In the Binance exchange, they list new cryptocurrencies once ICO is done for it.
4. In the Binance exchange platform, high security for the traders while in the cryptocurrency exchange.
5. Advanced UI/UX
6. User-friendly
7. Two-factor authentication
8. To launch your platform with options like Basic Trading and Advanced Trading
9. Low fees – When trading crypto-crypto, the trading fees are very low for every trade. Charges only 0.1% for every trade.

Why BlockchainAppsDeveloper for Binance Clone Script?

BlockchainAppsDeveloper is the topmost cryptocurrency exchange clone scripts development company provides clone scripts to launch your own crypto exchange platform. BlockchainAppsDeveloper provides you with 24×7 support to build and enhance your Binance clone platform.


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