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How to Fix Gmail Bug That Won’t Let You Empty Trash

rdx tango
How to Fix Gmail Bug That Won’t Let You Empty Trash
If your inbox is appearing cumbersome and has become unmanageable for you then the problem is not due to the mistakes you have done. Unfortunately, some kind of bug has intruded into the Gmail app of the android. The bug entered in the app has made it difficult for anyone to clear the emails and trash who is using the app on any android. It is quite known that anyone who uses Gmail app in android often takes some time to drain out old emails, other gigantic attachments and then clear out the trash.
Whenever the users clear out the trash it helps them to know how much space has been freed up. There are a large number of users all across the world who use the Gmail app on their android devices for carrying out the day to day works. Gamily is the best platform that not only helps you to create and send emails to your friends, colleagues, business partners, and other people but also helps you to schedule your office work by providing you with the access to its calendars, tasks, and notes. Sometimes, people forgot to clear the unwanted emails which often lead to the running out storage on your device. The problem could be easily sorted out by clearing the messages and then trash.
But right now, when you will try to clear your trash on Gmail and visit the folders, then you will find that a message will no longer appear to you saying” Empty Trash now”. However, the same problem is not appearing with the Gmail app in Pixel 4 or some other devices. So, the question is what is going wrong with the Gmail app on android and what is the solution to this problem. The fix for the issue could only be addressed by Google as the company is well acquainted with the issue and it will take time for the fixes to come. However, the issue is disturbing but you can try some pretty simple fixes.
First of all, the users should abandon the Gmail app on their device completely and instead use some other web-based user interface if they wish to delete all items from the trash. However, it will take some extra time out of your busy schedule but help you a lot and also keep you updated.
As the second fix, to the problem, the users can avoid their current Gmail and move to the earlier version of the app and to do this, you need to uninstall the current version and then surf over AOK Mirror.  As the Gmail version of last month are still showing the emptying options intact and so sideload  Gmail 2019.12.30.289507923. release” by going to the play store of your android device. Further, click on the triple-dot icon and then deselect Enable Auto-update by going to the app as you don’t need to auto-update your app until you hear about the fix.
In the third option, The users have to repeat each h time if they wish to restore the Empty option in their trash. The users can turn their device to landscape mode and then again turn it back to the mode of the portrait.
RDX Tango is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on webroot.com/safe and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.
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