Eating the right foods Getting a balance Half Day Diet Review of good foods in your regular daily consumption is very important for burning fat. Don't fall for the fad diets, just remember to eat as much of your food as close to it's raw food source as possible. That is the golden rule to fat loss.
DON'T spend hours at the gym on cardio equipment. You will be sorely disappointed at your lack of results and your incredible energy wastage. Doing less exercise at a higher intensity is scientifically proven to increase your metabolism more, for longer and thus burn more 'overall' fat from your body.
Boost fertility - Being overweight affects hormones of the menstrual cycle, rendering you less fertile. Fat women experience more complications during pregnancy such as gestation, diabetes, high blood pressure and even caesarian section.Fight cancer - High rate of fat in body cells enhances development of many kinds of cancer. Women who are overweight in their menopause have a higher risk of getting cancer, because fat produces excessive estrogen which contribute to a higher risk of cancer.