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People With This Blood Type Are At High Risk From Coronavirus, According to Scientists in China

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People With This Blood Type Are At High Risk From Coronavirus, According to Scientists in China

Latest News Updates of Coronavirus Outbreak - The scientists of China have claimed that People with blood type A may be more susceptible to infection by the new coronavirus, while those with blood group type O seems more resistant. 

The researchers still have conveyed that the study is very preliminary and more work is needed to be done 

Blood types vary in a population. In the United States, about 44 per cent of the population is type O, while about 41 per cent is type A. In Wuhan, which has a population of about 11 million, type O is 32 per cent, while A is 34 per cent among healthy people. 

It doesn’t mean if one is with type A will lose hope, there is no need to be panic about. It does not mean one will be infected 100 per cent. If one is with type O, it does not mean they are absolutely safe, either. 

One still needs to wash their hands and follow the guidelines issued by authorities. 

Read more – Latest news update

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