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Best Orthopedic Doctor in Hyderabad

Dr Mir jawad zar khan
Best Orthopedic Doctor in Hyderabad

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan is a senior orthopedist,orthopedic surgeon , joint replacement and spine surgeon in Attapur, Hyderabad. He has an experience of 20 years in these fields. Best Orthopedic Doctor in Hyderabad Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan practices at Germanten Hospital, which is a hospital for advanced orthopedics & trauma in Attapur, Hyderabad. He has done Masters that is M.S (Orthopaedics) from Osmania University with a Gold Medal, Hyderabad and M.Ch Orthopedics from Usaim, Seychelles.He has done a fellowship in arthroplasty in world renowned orthopedic institute in Munich Germany where he has worked with international experts in joint replacements surgeries. He was awarded best outgoing postgraduate with highest marks in Andhra Pradesh state. He has undergone extensive training in trauma & orthopedics during his post graduation. He has further training in complicated fractures, joint replacements, spine surgery & arthroscopic ACL/PCL reconstruction, meniscal repair surgeries at prestigious Osmania General Government Hospital which is a tertiary care referral center in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana State during his senior residency. He has undergone advanced training in joint replacements as part of his fellowship program at prestigious Institutes of Lilavati, Beach Candy Hospital Mumbai & Max Hospital Delhi with International experts in the above fields.

Dr Mir jawad zar khan
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