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Major Trends and Features that Attract Users to Develop an Ubereats Clone

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Major Trends and Features that Attract Users to Develop an Ubereats Clone

Is your mind wandering about the favorite food at the restaurant across the town? You need not fill your car’s gasoline or commute a crowded train to reach the restaurant. A single tap on your phone can get your food delivered hot and fresh. That is the power of modern technology. The food delivery market has been revolutionized with the advent of food delivery apps like UberEats, Zomato, etc. Investments are pouring into this vastly expanding market. If you are a budding entrepreneur entering this venture, some attractive features can be induced in your UberEats clone. Let us discuss them here, 

Major Trends in the Food delivery market:  

With technology advancing rapidly, trends are matching the pace of technology. New trends emerge and attract users instantly. Here are some major trends and features that can become an instant hit with the users,

  • Food orders through Virtual Assistant: Food ordering has come a long way from where it was. Nowadays, ordering via a virtual assistant is possible. Popular services have already begun to experiment with this recent trend. Domino’s Pizza has introduced a Pizza Bot, Dom for users to make orders through it. Apps like GrubHub have integrated with Alexa, the Amazon assistant for food delivery. Hence, integrating your app with a virtual assistant can make it user-friendly. 
  • Food ordering through the car: Technology has pushed to even order via our car while on-road. An in-car food ordering system can let users order food while riding. Pizza Hut has already partnered with Accenture to integrate this feature through the app. 
  • Delivery with Robots, Drones: Delivery professionals are gradually replaced by inventions like Robots, Drones, etc. This has made the food delivery system more reliable and convenient. If food deliveries are made through drones, traffic is not a point of concern. Deliveries are made instantly with these technological advancements. Apps like JustEat are already using camera installed Droids for deliveries. After an extensive study, Dominos have started Drone deliveries in New Zealand. 
  • Conserving food with food waste apps: Time and food are two things, if wasted, cannot be retrieved again. Out of 7 billion people on the planet, 925 million are starving. Approximately, 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted annually. Joining hands with a local food maintenance app or integrating the features of food maintenance in your app can be of great use. With a single order, delivery professionals can pick up leftover food and deliver them to persons in need for a minimal price. 

Wrapping up, 

Every day, food delivery apps are facing new challenges in the market. Coping up with the recent advancements can propel your app to the users’ attention. With revenue skyrocketing in this potential business field, this can be an ideal time to set foot in this UberEats clone app venture!

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