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5 Hacks to update your closed for low

Zohair Shaikh
5 Hacks to update your closed for low

If you’re a girly-girl like me, you may prolly know what jargon do those fashion retailers speak to your wallet...Being a fashionista is really an expensive hobby! But, you know this hobby doesn’t mean to actually drain your bank account. 

I have been tied to a budget for a very long time since I have so many expenses, but I’ve really learned how to stay stylish being on a budget.
So, this blog is all about my tried & tested ways to keep your wardrobe updated without spending so much. 


  1. Buying from budget brands online with promo codes & points

I always buy online from budget stores that always give me cool stuff to rock in a fraction of money. Moreover, some stores offer free points in return of pennies that you spend on their online store, and when you reach a certain limit, you can actually use those points like real money to buy something from their stores. Moreover, online shopping allows you to use free promo codes (available at sites like AliPromoCodes, D4Discount, Offers.com, PromoPastry.com, etc) that get you instant discounts on your overall bill and sometimes, free shipping too... I’m listing down my favorite stores that usually buy my clothes from and save a lot of money.

  1. Be frugal with the free shipping offer

To always get free shipping even when there is an order limit, just see if your store offers free returns, if yes, simply hit the order amount that unlocks free shipping by just throwing anything you see, in your, and then when you’re eligible for free shipping, let the package come, keep the stuff that you actually ordered and return the extra stuff FOR FREE!!

  1. Do a closet swap with your friend

I know there comes a time for every woman when their closest ones are overloaded and they’ve nothing to wear...We all face it almost every month!!

So, if you have a good friend, do a closet swap with them….exchange your clothes and you’ll have new stuff to try out without having to spend a penny.

  1. Sign up for newsletter

When you sign up for newsletters of stores, what they do is...they let you notify them about their sales in advance so you can set a budget to shop more for less.

  1. Wait to wear your impulsive buys

There are things that just grab bucks from my wallet...Literally pieces that I don’t actually plan to buy but I end up buying them….oO, what I do is I restrict my self to wear them right after I buy them. I let them sit in my closet with the tags on..Because I know I am still in that hype and I am still very excited about it..but this kind of hype soon gets down and I ask myself Why did I buy this..So, I keep it in my closet until I really feel that I should keep it or I just return it if I feel that I am not really into it anymore.

This saves me from further buying unplanned stuff...may sound stupid but it really works!

Zohair Shaikh
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