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Guide: New Extender Setup Wizard

John S
Guide: New Extender Setup Wizard

Extender Setup is great for anyone who is looking to boost their wifi bandwidth. Yeah you heard it right! It gives life to dead spots ( the place where you are not getting the better speed at your home or office). Our expert knows how important it is for you and your business to have a perfect and properly installed technology that boosts the internet.

Mywifiextsolutions provides instructions, installation and setup services, t on how to wirelessly connect to your NETGEAR Wifi Extender using manual setup after the NETGEAR WiFi Extender has been successfully connected to the wifi booster and obtained a valid connection.



Here are a few things which you can manage through this New Extender Setup Genie App:


Password protected app.

Control your home network from your Smartphone.

Easily monitor the network.

Diagnose and repair network issues.

Set up parental controls.

Enable access control and pause internet access.

Reboot your router

Track your data usage.


Network which gives you to block the network of the connected devices.

Download the App for your Android or iOS mobile devices. If you already downloaded the app, you can update the previous version.


Netgear's include a mixture of hi-tech devices which consist of wireless or wired devices for broadband and network connectivity. Netgear's focus on reliability and its user-friendliness. Recently, Netgear has launched its Genie app which supports you manage your router on your finger-tips. Netgear gives a free Android and iOS mobile app.


How to setup Netgear Genie for your router:


To create a Netgear account using the Genie mobile app:

Connect to the router's wifi network with your mobile device.

Launch the Genie mobile app.

Fill up the account registration page displayed

Complete the account registration fields by filling up relevant information, agree to the terms and conditions.

A verification email will be sent to your mentioned email address.

To verify your Netgear account, log in to the email that you used to create your account. Follow the guidelines emailed to you from the customer care support.


John S
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