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What If your WiFi Signals are Disconnecting Every time?

John S
What If your WiFi Signals are Disconnecting Every time?
Is the internet very important to you? You can't afford to disconnect from WiFi even for a second? So, what to do if your WiFi is running slow? How to reconnect the network again? 
There are a few situations when your network starts running slow or disconnects from the network. Read below:
  • The router is faulty and its LED light is not working.
  • You are moving from one place to another.
  • Longer distance from the WiFi device.
  • Availability of interference such as Mirror, glass, etc.
  • You are entering the wrong password to the Netgear website i.e mywifiext.net.
To maximize the signal power, you should buy a Netgear Wifi Extender from any local shop in your area. It will help to give you high-speed and make your work smoother.
To set up the Wifi extender, you can call a technical expert at +1 (888) 479 0545. They will receive your call and reach your doorstep anytime!
Explain to them your problem! Whether you are not receiving high-speed network, unable to connect network, can't set up wifi extender or have forgotten default password. If you ever forget your router password and even the login ID, no need to worry because we will help you recover both. We deliver instant solutions so, just give us a call.
Facing a network issue? WiFi not getting connected? Can’t connect to mywifiext.net? Just ask our experts and they will do all the troubleshooting for you.
John S
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