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5 Main Questions Asked by the Market about SAP S/4 Hana

Manohar Parakh
5 Main Questions Asked by the Market about SAP S/4 Hana

S/4 Hana, the new SAP ERP is a major breakthrough in software packages product line!

SAP always mentioned that the objective of its strategy around Hana was to rewrite its Software to take advantage of in-memory. But there is still a major disruption of equilibrium in the market for ERP.

Remember that the current versions of SAP ERP – Business Suite, mostly run on the Oracle database. Between 60 to 70% of installed SAP base employs Oracle DBMS, though the main rival of German elsewhere on the package on the segment.

Announcement of S/4 Hana was actually a bold move from SAP, because it involves very fundamental decisions for customers. SAP also appears as a precursor for a vast movement of simplification combining both a simplification of business processes and all underlying technology layers.


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Manohar Parakh
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