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Exhibit Captions Add Impact to Museum Shows

Image Transfers
Exhibit Captions Add Impact to Museum Shows

Enormous investments of time and resources go into planning museum art exhibitions – some even call for moving priceless artworks around the globe. Its why museum wall labels that accompany these pieces when on display must be flawless. Sometimes also referred to as exhibit captions, they are informational text placed on nearby walls. They list the artist's name, year of production, and other details. Custom dry transfers are increasingly used for wall labels at museums. It's because they provide superior quality and are easy to read. They communicate information quickly to all who visit.

The procedure for creating rub-down transfer decals relies on adhesive-backed lacquer ink. It's famous for a level of quality superior to other methods like stick-on vinyl letters or even laser printed cards. Vendors like New York's Image Transfers have many museums among their clientele for custom wall labels and exhibit captions. When you use a burnishing tool to rub on a transfer decal, you'll have a perfect label instantly. It's easy to place on any smooth surface, which includes walls, metal, glass, plastic. They are semi-permanent immediately, and a top coat of lacquer makes them permanent.

From paintings that hang on walls to objects displayed in glass cases, you can clearly explain artworks with dry transfer exhibit captions. They look like the wording is printed directly onto the surface; visitors are impressed by the precise appearance. The focused light in museum displays shows every detail, and with rub-on decals, each caption is clear and readable easily. With today's soaring expectations for nearly everything, making sure you have the highest quality wall labels means a lot. When you have a marquee show that will draw a large crowd, you want everything to be utterly flawless.

Curators and others who have worked on tight deadlines to mount museum shows know all too well how crucial it is to have foolproof solutions. Your digital files are the basis of custom dry transfers, so it eliminates any last-minute surprises. You'll receive back exactly what you designed, which provides a lot of peace of mind when the deadline is looming. Black ink is by far the most popular choice, but you can order dry rub-down transfers in any Pantone color for no increase in cost. No much can be guaranteed, but you can count on an excellent appearance from dry transfer museum wall labels.

Image Transfers
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