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Candidiasis What on Earth is Candidiasis?

Aalia william
Candidiasis  What on Earth is Candidiasis?

Now before you go rushing off screaming,Fibroids Miracle Reviewthese guys are living all over our bodies everyday. Most of the time they are in balance with us and their environment and we all live together quite peacefully.

Sometimes though, the environment becomes a little unbalanced - too hot, lacking in air, hormonal changes etc - and the fungi start to take over and may cause infections. The ones mentioned above are very common - in fact most of us will succumb to at least one of these at some point in our lives.

The official term for this infection is Candidiasis but it's more common term is a 'yeast infection'.

Candidiasis can affect every part of the body both inside and out - literally from your head to your toes - even in your mouth and esophagus through the gastrointestinal tract and the bladder.




Aalia william
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