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Weekend Getaway in Rishikesh | Aalia Resort

Joyti Sharma
Weekend Getaway in Rishikesh | Aalia Resort

Find Top Resorts for weekend Getaway in Rishikesh. We recommend finest Aalia Resort Kanatal is one of the most renowned resorts for Weekend Getaway with best price. Overlooking the pristine nature and fast flowing view of the ‘Ganges’, the resort features 12 villas spread over the 5 acres of land, each villa has 3 rooms- Chilla Room, Garden Room and River Room along with facilities like WiFi, Tea/Coffee maker etc. Also, the resort is best Corporate offsite near Delhi and other special events, etc. to meet the demands of guests. For more info, kindly call us at 8130781111, 8826291111.

Joyti Sharma
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