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Top 5 Trends and illustration of IoT in Hospitality

Sanjeev Verma
Top 5 Trends and illustration of IoT in Hospitality

As IoT has shown its footprint in almost every vertical, hospitality didn’t leave unmarked. Many hotels are already using IoT to control the thermostats within the rooms. By using connected thermostats, hotels can adjust room temperatures at check-in and check-out which eliminates the cost of cooling or heating. IoT in the hospitality industry has revolutionized the service delivery and has improved the customer experience while reducing the costs.

Hospitality businesses can create value from IoT data by offering out-of-the-box services through IoT products and services. Among businesses, the first step towards the future of IoT in hospitality is to embrace the Wi-Fi and Internet as the source of valuable consumer data to ensure enhanced customer experiences, not just for customer personal use. Using IoT devices needs reinventing the operations and transforming business processes to personalize and customize services and products according to individual customers.

Visit: https://www.biz4intellia.com/blog/top-5-trends-and-illustration-of-iot-in-hospitality/

Sanjeev Verma
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